
Monday, July 4, 2022

Policeman Spoon Decided Not to Search Home of Negro With Smallpox, July 4, 1922

When the Warrant Became Null and Void

An amusing incident has just been brought to light, one in which Chief Policeman Spoon is involved. The chief verifies the story which is to the effect that some time ago he went down into Buford township with a search warrant for a colored citizen’s residence. He walked up and the man was sitting on the porch. Chief Spoon told his business and was invited in to make the search, but he noticed the old colored man’s face was puffed up like a toad and inquired as to the case.

“Why boss, I’se got de smallpox,” was the negro’s reply. The chief instantly decided that the warrant was no good and made a rapid get-away with the permission to that old negro to “make all the liquor you want to.”

From The Monroe Journal, Tuesday, July 4, 1922

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