
Monday, July 25, 2022

Albert "Bud" Deal, 10, Struck By Car While Riding Bicycle, July 25, 1922

Master Bud Deal Hit by Automobile

Master Albert Deal, 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Deal, was run over by a Chevrolet automobile driving by Mr. Roy Killian of Highland about 4:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon, the accident occurring on Tenth avenue. Dr. T.C. Blackburn, who was called in to dress the lad’s injuries, reported no bones broken, though he was bruised from head to foot. The accident was unavoidable.

Mr. Killian was coming towards town and young Deal was riding a bicycle. The wheel was completely wrecked and the boy was dragged for several feet behind the car, which was not running fast.

Mr. Killian carried “Bud,” as his friends call him, to his home and rendered other assistance. Mr. and Mrs. Deal attached no blame to Mr. Killian. “Bud” will carry scars for several weeks and will be sore for a number of days, but he is expected to get along all right.

From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, July 25, 1922

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