
Monday, July 25, 2022

Switch Left Open, Passenger Train Strikes Freight Car, July 25, 1922

Passenger Runs Into Open Switch

Carolina and Northwestern passenger train bound from Lenoir to Chester ran into an open switch just west of the passenger station yesterday afternoon, and the locomotive crashed into a freight car, demolishing the fender and injuring the engineer, fireman, and a number of passengers, none fatally. Who is responsible for the accident has not been determined, but an investigation will be held by the railroad authorities.

Engineer Scott Brawley and Fireman R.P. Wilson were so badly shaken up that they could not continue their run, and another crew left here about 5 o’clock from an engine had been brought from Lenoir.

One employe of the road lost a finger, and Mr. B. Frank Martin of Lenoir, a passenger, was injured on the side and ankle, although not seriously. There were several women and children on the train and all were shaken up, none were badly injured.

This was the first serious accident since the strike of shopmen.

From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, July 25, 1922

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