
Sunday, July 24, 2022

Colored Barber Warned to Sell Shop and Household and Leave Town, July 23, 1922

Colored Barber Is Warned to Travel. . . “K. K. K.” Message Disturbs Him; Klan Not Involved in the Matter

Winston-Salem, July 22—Quincy Lee, colored, who conducts a barber shop here received a letter this week signed “K. K. K.” which very naturally disturbed his “equilibrium.” The writer notified Lee to dispose not only of his barber fixtures, but his household effects “at a reasonable price” and get out of town within 30 days. Very emphatically did the sender of the message convey to Quincy that he must not wait for another notification.

The barber showed the letter to several of his white friends and then turned it over to an officer for investigation. He has been assured that the Ku Klux Klan as an organization had nothing to do with the matter. Lee feels confident he knows the party who wrote it, as he has other writing which corresponds with the K. K. K. message. Lee has been a resident of this city for a number of years and bears a good reputation.

From the Raleigh News & Observer, July 23, 1922

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