
Friday, July 22, 2022

Come Enjoy Gastonia, Lenoir, Loray Baseball Games, July 22, 1922

Gastonia-Lenoir Games Will Be Played Here. . . Gastonia at Lenoir Monday and Tuesday—Lenoir at Loray Wednesday and Thursday—Team Growing Better Every Game

Gastonia will go to Lenoir Monday and Tuesday for two games with the Lenoir team. On Wednesday and Thursday the Lenoir team will come here for two games with the locals. Good games are promised by local promoters from now on, as the local squad is setting its pace daily. The game yesterday with Monroe showed the men well up. “Bob” Kirke of South Atlantic days may be brought here for the Gastonia squad and be placed in the out-field. “Ratty” Turnipseed, Clemson College football star and all around athlete, will arrive Sunday or early Monday and may be placed in the middle ???

With interest in the team the local sport followers are sure to see high class amateur-professional baseball at Loray Ball park for the next six weeks.

The promoters ask nothing but that the fans come to the games, pay the admission fee and help boost the club to success.

From the front page of the Gastonia Daily Gazette, July 22, 1922

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