
Friday, July 22, 2022

Miss Johnston's Birthday, Ewing Reunion, Homes on Central Avenue, Rev. and Mrs. Dorsey Returning to Brazil, July 22, 1922

Budget of Live News Items From Belmont

Miss Johnston Celebrates 16th Birthday

Miss Hazel Johnston, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Johnston, entertained a number of her girl friends at an enjoyable party Thursday evening in celebration of her 16th birthday anniversary. Rook and various games, including a donkey contest were played during the evening. A color scheme of pink and white was carried out in the refreshments, which consisted of ice cream, cake and mints. Those enjoying the evening were: Willie Stowe, Martha and Frances Lineberger, Gaynelle Rhyne, Martha Hall, Lucy and Geneva Hanks, Ida Cox, Magdalene Nichols, Mamie Hand, Edith Stowe, Helen Lewis, Katherine Rhyne, Mary Lewis Beard and Sarah Beaty Sloan. Miss Johnston was assisted in entertaining her house guest and cousin, Miss Nancy Donnelly of Charlotte.

New Houses Going Up on Central Avenue

Several new residences are now going up on Central avenue, which bids fair to be one of the most popular residential streets in town.

Mr. C.P. Armstrong let the contract Friday to Mr. W.H. Hand for the erection of an attractive cottage on this street, which will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong as soon as completed, about the first of September.

Another new residence on Central avenue is almost completed. It is being built by Contractor A.E. Clemmer for Dr. J.W. Reid of Lowell. Dr. Reid is building his house to rent. It would be a fine thing for Belmont if a number of other houses would go up for rent purposes, as there is hardly a house to be found here for rent at any time.

Ewing Family Reunion In South Point July 29th

The annual reunion of the Ewing family will be held at the home of Mrs. J.A. Ewing in South Point, Saturday, July 29th. All friends and relatives are invited to attend.

Rev. and Mrs. Dorsey Return to Brazil

The many friends of Rev. and Mrs. C.B. Dorsey will be interested to hear of their return to Brazil. They passed through here Tuesday enroute to New York, where they will sail for South America; their home being located in Sao Paolo Province, Brazil. They have been home on a year’s furlough after seven years of missionary work and have gone out now for seven years more. Mrs. Dorsey is a sister of Mr. J.A. Sanders of Belmont and Mr. Jeff Sanders of McAdenville, and with her attractive family of children, was a visitor in their homes this summer.


Miss Elsie Johnston leaves Saturday morning for Danville, Va., where she will visit a college friend, Miss Agnes Bustard. After spending a week in Danville, Miss Bustard and Miss Johnston will go to Black Mountain and Montreat for a stay of several weeks.

Rev. and Mrs. J.T. Dendy and Miss Elizabeth Dendy have gone to Connelly Springs to spend 10 days at the Connelly Springs Hotel. Rev. Mr. Dendy is taking his vacation until the first of August.

Mrs. Emily Fite is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Armstrong in South Point.

Mrs. A.C. Lineberger and son, Master Joe Lineberger, spent Thursday in Lincolnton visiting relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Armstrong and Miss Annie Surig went to High Point Friday. Mrs. Stowe, Miss Surig and Mr. Armstrong are a committee to select furniture for the Methodist parsonage and their trip to High Point was to select this furniture.

Miss Mamie Reid has returned to her home in McAdenville after spending several days visiting Misses Inez Little and Miss Pearl Abernathy.

Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Sloan had as spend-the-day guests Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Hall and Mr. and Mrs. J.Q. Hall.

From the front page of the Gastonia Daily Gazette, July 22, 1922

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