
Friday, July 22, 2022

Gaston Farmers Invited to Cleveland County to Learn More About Legume Culture and Soil Improvement, July 22, 1922

Gaston Farmers Invited to Cleveland County. . . Legume Culture and Soil Improvement to Be Subject of Addresses—Winters to Be One of Speakers

Gaston county farmers interested in legume culture and soil improvement are given a cordial invitation to attend a meeting to be held at the court house in Shelby next Thursday morning at 10:30 o’clock. County Agent Lawrence of Cleveland county was in Gastonia Friday conferring with the secretary of the Big Gaston County Fair relative to exhibits and stated that he hoped there would be a delegation at the meeting from Gaston. Business men as well as farmers will be at the meeting, which is held under the auspices of the Cleveland County Vetch and Alfalfa club, an organization of 250 farmers formed this year by Mr. Lawrence.

N.E. Winters, better known as the Billy Sunday of agriculture and well known in Gaston, is going to speak on lime and legumes and on how to fight the boll weevil.

“There are some good roads to Shelby and we hope Gaston folks will come over and mix with us and hear Mr. Winters,” said Mr. Lawrence.

From the front page of the Gastonia Daily Gazette, July 22, 1922

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