
Saturday, July 23, 2022

Esther Womble, Odie Brown, James McKennie All File for Divorces, July 23, 1922

Three Suits for Divorce Entered. . . Complaints Were Filed Yesterday in Office of Clerk of Superior Court

Three complaints for divorces were filed in the office of the clerk of superior court yesterday, alleging desertion and improper conduct on the part of one of the people named in each complaint. The cases will be disposed of in superior court.

Esther Womble filed a suit for divorce from Eugene Womble. She alleges in the complaint that the defendant is not supporting her nor her children, the burden of providing for the family falling largely upon her. She also alleges that the defendant is guilty of adultery.

Odie Brown is seeking a divorce from Virginia Brown. He alleges that his wife left him without excuse or justifiable cause and also alleges that she has committed acts of adultery.

James McKennie instituted suit for divorce from his wife, Amelia McKennie. They have been married since 1910, the complaint states, but they have not lived together since 1916. She is alleged to have left him in Baltimore, Md., and since that time have lived separate and apart from each other.

From the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, July 23, 1922

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