
Saturday, July 23, 2022

Overall Factory to Reopen After Being Idle for 20 Months, July 23, 1922

Overall Factory to Begin Operations on August 7th. . . Smith Manufacturing Company Will Again Manufacture Overalls After a Period of Idleness of 20 Months; Will Put Out Two Grades of Overalls; Factory Now Being Renovated

After a period of enforced idleness of 20 months, the Smith Overall Manufacturing company will again resume operations on August 7, according to an announcement made yesterday by E.L. Smith, owner. Preparations have been under way for the past several days for the resumption of work with a complete renovation of the factory being done. The suspension of business was caused by the high prices of material and their sudden drop. The factory was left with a large quantity of manufactured overalls when the prices were at their highest peak and also a large amount of material. A large loss was sustained by the firm due to this, it was stated, this being responsible for the cessation of operation.

The mill will employ from 30 to 50 girls, all experienced in the work of making overalls, and a number of men, experts in the business. Two grades of overalls will be manufactured, they being known as Honest Value and Smith’s High Grade Overalls. The plant will have a daily capacity of 75 dozen, it was stated. The equipment is of the most modern type with the latest cutting machine being installed, which will mean an increase in the plant’s output.

The Smith Overall Manufacturing company was organized about 16 years ago and up until the timer of its suspension of business did a large volume of business. The manufactured product is known in practically all sections of the country and by all men who wear overalls in the pursuit of their work.

The factory is located in the old Hackney building located on Corcoran street and occupies both the second and third floors of the building.

With the resumption of business at this factory, Durham will be nearer the much-sought normalcy in that employment will be given to a large number of people and the value of the city’s manufactured products will be enhanced.

Efforts are being made by Mr. Smith to secure as many of his old employees as possible. The majority of them, he said, were experts in their work.

From the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, July 23, 1922

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