
Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Jack Porter Steals Watch, Ford from C.B. Aycock, July 26, 1922

Holds Up Farmer and Takes Watch and Auto

Wilson, July 25—This morning about 1 o’clock Jack Porter, alias Sullivan, ex-convict guard at the Wilson stockade, who has been recently operating the road scraper on the highway near Black Creek, is alleged to have been held up and robbed. C.B. Aycock, who resides on Route 2, near Fremont. Sullivan struck Mr. Aycock with a pistol and took his watch, and made a clean get-away with his five-passenger Ford. The motor number of the car is 385,405; license number, 8,192. The initials “C.B.A.” were on the side of the machine.

From the Raleigh News & Observer, July 26, 1922

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