
Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Did Klan Kidnap and Whip C.R. McLeod, Or Masked Men Copying Klan? July 26, 1922

St. Paul’s Man Given a Severe Whipping. . . Two Alleged Members of Band of Masked Men Who Committed Deed Arrested

Lumberton, July 25—C.R. McLeod, who lives in St. Paul’s township, Robeson county, was taken from his home by eight masked men last night and given a severe whipping. Two men, T.N. Sibbett and John Pittman, both of the St. Paul’s cotton mill village, were arrested and are in jail here charged with having a hand in the affair.

McLeon says he recognized these as being two of the eight men who overpowered him and carried him away from his home when he was called out about 10 o’clock at night. McLeod was blindfolded, he says, and a leather strap was used freely upon his back, which shows the signs of rough treatment.

McLeod’s wife is said to be in a very nervous state as a result of the affair. This is not the first time that people living in that section have been man-handled by a mob. While it is said that the K. K. K. has an organization at St. Pauls, it is not known whether the klan is back of the movement, or whether others are trying to pattern after the klan.

From the front page of the Raleigh News & Observer, July 26, 1922

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