
Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Someone Set Fire Under Store, Destroying Building and Stock of Merchandise, July 26, 1922

Believe Blaze of Incendiary Origin

Rocky Mount, July 25—Fire, believed to have been of incendiary origin, early this morning destroyed the frame store building on Cokey road near the outskirts of this city, owned by J.J. Thorne and L.H. Lanier, and in which W.R. Proctor operated a store. The estimated loss, including the building and stock of general merchandise, is between $7,000 and $8,000.

The store was wrecked by dynamite about a year ago, this leading officers to believe the blaze was the work of an incendiary. This believe was substantiated by the fact that the fire, when first discovered, had burned a hole in floor from underneath the store, evidence being that it was kindled from the outside.

From the Raleigh News & Observer, July 26, 1922

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