
Saturday, August 20, 2022

Anna Rowe, Home Demonstration Agent, Holding Camp for County Women and Girls, Aug. 29-Sept. 1, 1922

Women’s Clubs Will Hold Camping Party

Plans are being rounded into shape for the encampment of the women’s clubs of Durham county, which will be held at the Y.W.C.A. camp from August 29 until September 1. A program of both work and play is being mapped out, and a large number of the clubs’ members are expected to attend.

The following schedule has been worked out for the guidance of the camp: Work will be given each morning with lessons in refinishing old furniture, dress designing and making of wax beads. The afternoons will be turned over to recreation only.

Any club woman or girl who so desires is eligible to attend the camping party. Miss Anna C. Rowe, home demonstration agent, is in charge of the camp for the week and all members are required to make application through her.

From the Durham Morning Herald, Aug. 20, 1922

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