
Saturday, August 20, 2022

Typhoid, Diphtheria Cases in Durham, Aug. 20, 1922

One New Case of Typhoid Reported. . . Total Cases for Month Now Number 8; New Cases of Diphtheria Also Reported

One new case of typhoid fever was reported yesterday from Park avenue, in the eastern part of the city. This is the first case that has developed in several days.

The case reported yesterday brings the total for the month to eight. One of these cases, however, should have been reported last month. The record made this month is much better than that of the corresponding month of last year. The health department has waged a relentless war on the disease this year, and their efforts have been crowned with success.

Sixteen cases is the grand total of diphtheria cases that have been reported to the health department for the month of August thus far. One new case was reported yesterday, it being located in East Durham. One death from diphtheria was reported yesterday. There have been more fatalities from this disease than from typhoid this year.

The health department continues to give the toxin anti-toxin to all who apply for it as well as the other serums.

From the Durham Morning Herald, Aug. 20, 1922

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