
Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Atwells Injured When Pony Bolts, Aug. 10, 1922

Spencer Machinist Seriously Injured, Wife Also Injured

By W.A. Hicks

Spencer, Aug. 10—Mr. Harris Atwell, a well known machinist at Spencer, was desperately injured and Mrs. Atwell painfully hurt in a runaway accident that occurred on Fifth street near their home here late Wednesday afternoon when a pony they were driving took fright and dashed down (the) street. Mr. Atwell lost control of the pony and the buggy dashed against a tree. He was thrown violently to the ground, his head striking on the right side and it is said his skull was fractured. He was picked up in an unconscious condition and rushed to Salisbury for treatment in a hospital being accompanied by Dr. W.C. Slate. His life hangs by a thread at the time of going to press this afternoon, and he has never regained consciousness though everything possible has been done to save him. He is a member of a well known Salisbury family and has many friends in this section.

Mrs. Atwell was also thrown to the ground and badly cut about the face, arms and thighs. Her condition is not serious, however, and she will soon recover. This was the second time the pony had run away, Mr. Atwell being hurt on a former occasion. The buggy was badly torn up Wednesday and it is said that Mr. Atwell lost control of the animal when the lines broke.

From the front page of the Salisbury Evening Post, Aug. 10, 1922

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