
Monday, August 22, 2022

Charles Marion Gantt, 17, Killed in Construction Accident, Aug. 22, 1922

Claremont Youth Dies from Injuries

Newton, Aug. 22—The body of Charles Marion Gantt, 17-year-old son of Mrs. Charles Gant, of near Claremont, this county, was brought to his home yesterday. The young man while at work for a construction company at Mountain Island, near Charlotte, was injured on last Wednesday by a piece of shafting falling to the ground and striking him in the stomach. At first it was thought that young Gantt was not seriously injured but on Thursday he was taken to a hospital in Charlotte, where he died Sunday about 1 o’clock.

Young Gantt was a splendid boy, well liked in the community in which he lived, and his death came as a shock to his widowed mother and friends. The funeral services were held today at the home, and the interment took place in the Claremont cemetery. He is survived by is mother, five brothers and four sisters. The deceased was a nephew of Mrs. Jacob Setzer of Newton.

From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 1922

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