
Monday, August 22, 2022

Hunt for Missing Car, Husband, and Carrie Conley, Aug. 22, 1922

Returns From Hunt for Stolen Automobile

Mr. S.A. Isenhour returned last night from a motor trip up the Central highway as far west in Asheville in search of traces of the Chevrolet car in which J.F. Abernethy, a former employe of the Standard Garage, and Carrie Conley are believed to have started off on their journey to other sections. At several points between here and Asheville, garage men had observed the car, Mr. Isenhour learned, and they told him that the woman was with Abernethy at Marion. She probably got off the train at Morganton and joined him there.

News of the runaway has been wired to many points in the north and west in the hope of intercepting the couple.

A warrant charging abandonment has been sworn out by Mrs. Abernethy against her husband, who left her and six small children to provide for.

It is not believed that Abernethy will attempt the trip to Mexico, where he probably is headed, by automobile, though he probably will wait until he reaches the southwest before selling the machine.

The United States and Mexico have not ratified a treaty and there is no way of extraditing criminals who leave this country and cross the border.

From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 1922


Conley Woman Not Living at Brookford

Carrie Conley, the white woman who is alleged to have run off with J.E. Abernethy, former garage employe here, was not a resident of Brookfield, as stated in this paper, according to a report from there today. She lived in Hickory and was not known in this town, which has no desire to claim her.

From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 1922

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