
Monday, August 22, 2022

Three Freight Cars Full of Cotton Break Loose and Collide with Gas and Oil Tank at Ice Plant, Aug. 22, 1922

Freight Cars Hit Tank at Newton

Newton, Aug. 22—Three freight cars loaded with cotton escaped from train in North Newton late yesterday afternoon, raced 50 yards down the rails, tore up the track for the entire distance and ran into a large gasoline and oil tank owned by the ice plant, knocked it from its foundations and then stopped without turning over. The damage was estimated at between $3,500 and $4,000. Mr. J.M. Wagoner, owner of the plant, was amazed to learn that not a gallon of oil or gas was spilled.

It was not learned what caused the three cars to break loose.

From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 1922

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