
Tuesday, August 23, 2022

County Agent Shows Farmers How Hogs Can Help Replace Cotton, Aug. 23, 1922

Another Open Door

The announcement in Wednesday’s Free Press of highly satisfactory results obtained by Lenoir County farmers from the cooperative and scientific fattening of hogs was of more than ordinary interest. It shows that in this line of endeavor there is yet another door open to Lenoir County people.

The experiment was conducted by County Agent Charles M. Brickhouse in cooperation with 11 farmers in different parts of the county. The formulas for feed mixtures were furnished by Mr. Brickhouse, with the result that marketable hogs were produced for August delivery and that, too, from 10 to 111/2 cents on foot—current Chicago quotations. August and March are said to be the months of high prices; and the demonstration makes it clear that our farmers can avail themselves of the August market. That they can take advantage of the March market is no less certain.

Thus it is made clear to the public that a highly profitable hog-fattening industry might be developed here at will. It could be made an all-the-year-round affair, and no doubt will be before very long. For the boll-weevil is going to force farmers to look about them and realize their opportunities.

And the beauty of it is that we need not look abroad for a market for the porkers. The P.A. Hooker Meat Company, local packers, will take all such offerings. Thus the community benefits from both the production of the “raw material” and also from getting out the finished product.

In fact at this time Lenoir is just beginning to develop.

From the editorial page of The Kinston Free Press, Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1922, H. Galt Braxton, Editor and Manager.

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