
Monday, August 15, 2022

Editor Says Poll Taker Must Have Concentrated on Poodle-Toters, Aug. 15, 1922

Straw Vote

The unanimous discontent evidenced by the report of Jane Burr indicates that her straw vote on the subject of married happiness must have been taken in the beauty parlors among the poodle-toters.

For she says that personal and intimate interviews with 300 wives disclose not one happy wife.

A certain type of wife is never happy.

But if Jane Burr would come to Hendersonville and take a poll on happiness along about even-tide in any one of our residence districts, after the dinner dishes have been stacked and while the kiddies were having their last romp before bedtime, she would have a different report to make.

From the editorial page of The Western North Carolina Times, Aug. 15, 1922. E.W. Ewbank, contributing editor, C.A. Hobbs, associate editor, and W.S. Surrat, managing editor.

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