
Monday, September 26, 2022

Asheville Band Concerts to be Dropped in Favor of Funding Boy Scouts, Sept. 26, 1922

Asheville May Be Deprives of Band Concerts in Parks During Summer of Next Year

Unless there is a special drive for funds, Asheville will be deprived of a band during the Summer of 1923, P.c. Blackman, president of the Asheville Band Association, stated yesterday, following a meeting of the organization in the office of the vice-president, Mayor Gallatin Roberts.

The board took this action on account of the budget committee of the Community Chest having declined to place the Municipal Band in its budget for the sum of $5,000, substituting therefore the Boy Scout movement, which will receive a donation of $6,000 from the chest.

After the rendition of concerts and furnishing music for the parade of the Confederate Veterans of North Carolina this week, the president announced, the services of the band will no longer be available for public occasions in the city unless the association later decides to make a special drive independent of the Community Chest movement.

“The members of the association,” he added, “feel very much discouraged at the treatment received by the Community Chest budget committee, as they had included the band in the Chest budget last season and to drop it at this time will place additional hardship on the association to furnish musical entertainment for the pleasure and education of the citizens of Asheville. We feel the band is of equal importance with the Boy Scout movement.”

Other officers of the association are E.H. Miller, secretary; Clarence W. Treadway, treasurer; and F.L. Conder, auditor. The board of directors are composed of the officers and Dr. W.J. Hunnicutt, Cameron McRay and H.E. Walter.

From the Asheville Citizen, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1922

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