
Monday, September 26, 2022

Thieves Robbing Wilmington Homes During the Day, Sept. 26, 1922

Thieves Ransack Many Homes in Wilmington

Wilmington, N.C., Sept. 25—Jewelry, clothes and money aggregating nearly $2,000 have been stolen from various homes in exclusive residential districts of Wilmington during the last three days, police officials admitted here tonight. A reward has been offered by the chief of police for the apprehension of the thieves.

According to the victims of these daylight robberies, the homes were entered between 2 and 3 o’clock in the afternoon. The heaviest loser was James E. Holton, superintendent of the streets, whose family jewelry valued at $1,500 was stolen Saturday.

From the Asheville Citizen, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1922

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