
Saturday, September 24, 2022

Cases Against Houser, Hoyle, Webb Transferred to Federal Court, Sept. 24, 1922

Cases Against Houser and Three Other Officers Transferred to Federal Court

Shelby Sept. 23—On order signed by Judge E.Y. Webb, of federal court of western North Carolina cases, against Evan Houser, Pearly Hoyle, J.A. Wesson and Carl Short, charging them with assault and intent to kill Mrs. I.B. Miller, in a raid on the car in which Mrs. Miller was riding with her husband at Casar three weeks ago, have been moved to federal court and will come up to October term. Papers were served on Clerk of Court George P. Webb today by United States Marshal E.S. Williams, who took all papers to the federal clerk and enjoined the state and county courts from taking any further action against defendants.

While the bench warrants against these officers charged violation of state laws, affidavits signed by Houser, Assistant District Attorney Charles A. Jonas, find defendant’s counsel, Odus M. Mull, alleged that Hoyle, Wesson and Short were possemen duly deputized by Prohibition Enforcement Officer E.L. Houser, what when Houser stepped on the running board of the automobile and arrested the driver, Mr. Thompson, that he was pushed or knocked off and that some officers in an effort to stop the car as it sped away fired at the car but not for the purpose of hitting anyone of the occupants. The affidavit further alleges that glass jars of whiskey were thrown from the car when the officers appeared.

Mrs. Miller, who has a bullet in her liver and part of the bullet in her jaw was sufficient recovered to be moved from the Rutherford hospital to her home in Caroleen.

From the Greensboro Daily News, Sunday, Sept. 24, 1922

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