
Saturday, September 24, 2022

Koontz, Henderson, Briggs Sentenced to Five Years, Sept. 24, 1922

Asheville Strikers to Serve Five Years . . . Koontz, Henderson and Briggs Withdraw Appeals and Accept Compromise of 5 Years

Asheville, Sept. 23—E.G. Koontz, E.R. Henderson and Frank Briggs, striking railway employes who were convicted of kidnapping Sam Harris, strikebreaker, and sentenced by Judge Henry P. Lane to serve seven years in the state prison, today withdrew appeal to the state Supreme court and accepted terms of five years each on the Buncombe county roads.

Upon recommendation of Judge Lane, whose illness prevents him from presiding over Superior court here, Judge George H. Brown substituting, ordered the sentence altered. The tree men will start serving their terms October 2, time being given to straighten out business affairs. Koontz and Henderson are out on $4,000 bond each.

The three men were identified as being in the party of five who on August 5 dragged Harris from a store in the depot section and carried him in a car to a secluded place outside the city and administered a severe whipping.

From the Greensboro Daily News, Sunday, Sept. 24, 1922

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