
Monday, September 19, 2022

Confessed Killer Leads Police to Manning Ford's Body, Sept. 19, 1922

Confessed Slayer to be Tried for Murder in the First Degree

Lumberton, Sept. 10—Frank Summers, who in a signed statement given to the police at Augusta, Ga., confessing to the killing of Manning Ford near here last February, and who late yesterday led Robinson [Robeson] county officials to some woods where a human skeleton was found with the skull badly crushed, will be tried for murder in the first degree at the November term of Robinson [Robeson] county criminal court, it was stated at the sheriff’s office this morning.

Bones and fragments of clothing were found near the spot where Summers said he had hidden Ford’s body after the killing.

From the front page of the Salisbury Evening Post, Tuesday, Sept. 19, 1922.

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