
Monday, September 19, 2022

Kidnapped Couple to be Given Hearing, KKK Investigating Them, Sept. 19, 1922

Air Jenkins-Webb Affair Tomorrow. . . Man and Woman Who Figured in “Kidnapping” Near Taylorsville to be Given Hearing

By Associated Press

Greensboro, Sept. 19—Investigation by officers of the story told by a woman giving her name as Mrs. C.E. Webb that she and her husband were taken last week by a band of masked men from an automobile was followed by the arrest of S.L. Jenkins, a merchant of Winston-Salem, who is held in jail here in default of a $5,000 bond on a statutory charge.

Officers declared the man and woman had been together in Roanoke, Va., Cleveland, Ohio, and Winston-Salem, and that the man arranged the “kidnapping” and sought to have another affair take place Sunday at Winston-Salem.

Mrs. H.O. Nash, wife of the pastor at whose home the woman is said to have been staying, identified Jenkins, according to the police, as the man who represented himself as the woman’s husband.

Jenkins made a complete denial of all the charges, saying he was in Yadkin county on a business trip Thursday and returned to Winston-Salem Friday morning.

J.C. Gold of Tillery, representing himself as a member of the Ku Klux Klan, announced that the body had made a full investigation since, he said popular reports tended to connect the Klan with the kidnapping. He also was said to have declared that the Klan was caring for the woman.

Jenkins and Mrs. Webb, who officers say is also known as “Margaret Smith” and other aliases, will face the statutory charges tomorrow in municipal court.

Jenkins is married and has four children.

From the front page of the Salisbury Evening Post, Tuesday, Sept. 19, 1922

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