
Monday, September 19, 2022

Tree Being Chopped Down by Road Builders Falls on Car, Injures Snider Sisters, Sept. 19, 1922

Auto Is Smashed by Falling Tree. . . Several Young Ladies Injured in Accident; Occurred on National Highway Near Yadkin

By A.W. Hicks

Spencer, Sept. 19—Miss Elva Snider was badly hurt about the face and hands, and a sister, Miss Beulah Snider, was hurt about the head and arms at Yadkin early this morning when a tree being chopped down by road builders fell across an automobile driven by Miss Elva Snider.

In the car at the time was also Miss Annie Foltz, and the three young women were making their way to Yadkin where they were employed in the North Carolina Finishing Company plant.

It is said the workmen cutting down the tree gave an alarm when they saw the tree was about to fall on the automobile passing along the national highway and the young lady is said to have become confused and stopped the car just in time to catch the full weight of the tree across the machine.

The car was badly torn up and presented a scene of wreckage. Newspaper representatives who visited the place immediately after the accident wondered how any of the occupants got out alive.

The Misses Snider, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Sider, were given medical attention and sent to their home nearby, while Miss Foltz was taken to the mill close at hand, but slightly injured. The tree was being removed to make way for the new line of a section of the highway now under construction, and it is said the tree was cut down by some colored men while the foreman on the job had gone a short distance to look after other work.

The accident today happened in sight of where a tree was cut down by Walter Crump, colored, killing Mrs. William Walser in March of this year, the tree not having yet been removed.

From the front page of the Salisbury Evening Post, Tuesday, Sept. 19, 1922

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