
Monday, September 19, 2022

George Pharr, 16, Dragged to Death by Mule, Sept. 19, 1922

Cabarrus Boy Met a Horrible Death

By the Associated Press

Concord, Sept. 19—George Pharr, 16-year-old son of Walter Pharr, a farmer living near Davidson, met death Monday afternoon as the result of being thrown from a mule and dragged about two miles.

When thrown from the ule the boy’s foot caught in the trace and the animal was not stopped until it had run about two miles. The boy was dead when released.

The body was carried to the home of L.S. Pharr, an uncle of the deceased, who lives near Poplar Tent, this county. The funeral services will be held there this afternoon.

From the front page of the Salisbury Evening Post, Tuesday, Sept. 19, 1922

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