
Friday, September 30, 2022

Free Night Schools to Eradicate Adult Illiteracy in Carteret County, Sept. 30, 1922

To Organize Night School in Carteret County

Beaufort, Sept. 29—There is not as much adult illiteracy in Carteret county as there is in some of the counties of the State, still there is considerable and an effort is going to be made to eradicate most of it, if not all. Beginning probably in November, night schools will be held at several points in the county and an opportunity given to those who desire it to get at least the rudiments of an education. Not only will illiterates be taught but also those who have a little knowledge of reading may attend the schools. Miss Nelle Richardson, who is connected with the County Board of Education will pay especial attention to the anti-illiteracy campaign.

Some days ago Superintendent M.L. Wright sent out a letter to the school committeemen of the cunty in regard to the drive against illiteracy. He has heard from several of the committeemen who have expressed themselves as being interested in the work and willing to help. Requests that night schools be established at several points have been made and these will have attention. Mr. Wright’s letter reads as follows:

To the School Committeemen of Carteret County:


The State of North Carolina is making a desperate effort to blot out adult illiteracy. With this in view the state is furnishing an adult Illiteracy Teacher in this County for the coming year.

The director of this work will be Miss Nelle Richardson of Beaufort, N.C. She is well qualified.

You know the conditions of your community better than I do. If you have grown people in your district who cannot read and write an who would like to attend night school this fall or winter, we will be glad to come to your community and organize a school there. What does it cost? Why, nothing, for the state furnishes the teacher and all that we have to do is let her teach.

Now we know that there are places where this work is not needed. However, in those communities that need and want this night school we will offer the work. I want to seek your hearty cooperation with Miss Richardson in this work and if you desire her services, write to her or to me so that your district may get on the list for instruction.

Suppose you let us hear from you concerning this matter at once.

Yours truly,

M.L. Wright

From The New Bern Sun-Journal, Sept. 30, 1922

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