
Friday, September 30, 2022

Lenoir County Mob Hunting Jim Miller, Sept. 30, 1922

Lenoir County Mob Hunting Negro. . . Continue Hunt for Fugitive. . . Several Hundred Kinston Men Are Now Searching for Jim Miller. . . No Mob Spirit. . . Not Believed That Any Attempt at Violence Will be Made If He Is Captured

Kinston, Sept. 30—A posse of several hundred men, directed by deputy sheriffs continued today to scour the countryside for Jim Miller, negro, who shot and killed John Sutton, age 43, prominent farmer near here last night. Although feeling against the negro is running high, there was no evidence of mob spirit among the searchers, officers stated, and it is not believed an attempt would be made on the negro’s life in the event of his capture.

Details of the crime are revolting. The murder was in cold blood, from all evidence that could be learned.

The father of Mr. Sutton, R.I. Sutton, who lives almost directly in front of his son in the country, was informed by a neighbor that someone was stealing corn again from John Sutton’s field, and the elder Mr. Sutton telephoned his son of the fact. As soon as he could do so, Mr. Sutton went in search of the thief, and finding him already gone, he called on a neighbor to furnish a Ford car and pursuit was taken up. Approaching the forks in the road near the county home, the pursuers could not accurately tell whether the negro was going into town by the iron bridge, and as a result they made vain search along the iron bridge route.

From the front page of The New Bern Sun-Journal, Sept. 30, 1922

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