
Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Rockingham County Donates Cottage to Jackson Training School, Sept. 20, 1922

Rockingham County Donates Cottage. . . Building Presented to Jackson Training School by Large Delegation

Concord, Sept. 19—A number of prominent citizens of Rockingham county, including the county commissioners, were guests of the Jackson Training school this morning and this afternoon turned over to James P. Cook, chairman of the board of trustees of the school, the Rockingham county cottage, the nineth cottage to be completed at the State’s home of correction for boys.

R.B. Chance of Reidsville, chairman of the board of commissioners which donated the money for the cottage, presented the cottage, and it was received by Mr. Cook. Mr. Allen stated that he thought the notion of the board in giving the money to the school as the greatest it had ever made, and Mr. Cook assured the Rockingham people that it meant much to the institution’s officers to know that they have the support of the people of the State. Other members of the party also spoke briefly.

During the morning the delegation, which made the trip in cars, were shown over the entire school plant, and dinner was served them in the Rockingham cottage.

From The News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C., Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1922

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