
Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Weddings and Other Social News, Sept. 20, 1922


The marriage of Miss Mary Cecelia Foster and Mr. Alonzo Edgar Johnson, both of this city, took place last night at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. W.E. Foster on Dawson street. Rev. Harding Hughes performed the ceremony, which was attended by only members of the family.

Palms, ferns, white roses and candles formed an artistic decoration. Mrs. Hurst B. Hatch played the wedding music.

The bride, who was given in marriage by her mother, wore a dress of grey canton crepe and carried a shower of bride’s roses.

Little Elizabeth Stokes, niece of the bride, was flower girl. She wore a dainty white organdy frock and carried a white prayer book, showered with white rosebuds. The prayer book was the same as used at the ceremony of the bride’s father and mother. John Foster Jr. of Portsmouth, Va., nephew of the bride, was ring bearer. He wore a white satin suit and carried the ring in a white rose.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will be at home in this city at 118 North McDowell street. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. W.E. Foster of this city. The bridegroom is connected with W.A. Cooper Company of Raleigh. Both have many friends who will learn with interest of their marriage.


Mr. and Mrs. William Grimes Cherry announce the marriage of their daughter, Julia Grimes, to Mr. Corydon Perry Spruill Jr. of this city, at Rocky Mount, September 14.

Mr. Spruill is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Spruill of this city. He attended the University of North Carolina and was a well known athlete, and won a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford University. He is now a member of the faculty of the University of Virginia.


Angier, Sept. 19—A marriage of much interest took place Saturday, September 16th, when Miss Annie May Utley of Fuquay Springs became the bride of Mr. Bernard School of Hamlet, N.C. Rev. father woods officiated. Only the immediate member of the families were present. Rs. School is a very popular young lady. Mr. school is held in high esteem by all who know him. He holds a very responsible position with he Hamlet Grocery Company. The young couple will make their home in Hamlet after September 26th.


Burlington, Sept. 19—The marriage of Miss Elsie Gerringer and Ernest Kennedy, both of this city, which occurred at the Presbyterian manse in Graham on September 2, was announced here Saturday. Rev. E.C. Caldwell, pastor of the Graham Presbyterian church, officiated.

The bride is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Gerringer of Guthrie street, and is a young woman of a pleasing disposition and beautiful character. Mr. Kennedy holds a position with the National Dye Works. They have many friends here and elsewhere who learn with much interest the announcement of their marriage. They are residing with the bride’s parents.


Graduating Exercises

The Primary Department of Edenton Street Methodist Church Sunday school will hold graduating exercises Friday afternoon in the Sunday school room at 5 o’clock. Bible and certificates will be presented by Rev. W.W. Peele and superintendent Joseph G. Brown Sunday morning at 9:35 o’clock in the Sunday school room.

The following will graduate:

Elizabeth Josephine Page, Mildred Womble, Mary Dwight Turner, Margaret Lurertta Brewer, Ruby Jane Warren, Elizabeth Shore, Annie Laurie Underwood, Anna Mourd Green, Hazel Thomas Fogleman, Katy Virginia Pegram, Katharine Pugh Thelm, Dorothy Baker Uzzle, Gwendolyne E. Crowder, Eleanor F. Kennedy, Alice Yates Wooten, Katherine Eugina Harrington, Hazel McDonald, Sarah Hester, Frances Thompson, Maurice Phillip Thelm, William Banks Allison, Harold Cobb Ernst, Drew Pearson Laurence, Edwin Scott Myatt, Francis Edwards, John Pendleton Cole, Richard Godwin, John Randolph, Woodrow Debbs Evans, Horace Richard Porter, George Crocker, Bryan Glenn Davis, Crayton Kelly, and francis Raymond Kuhn.

Fortnightly Review Club

The first fall meeting of the Fortnightly Review Book Club was held yesterday afternoon with Mrs. J.R. Chamberlain at her home on Hillsboro street. The general subject for the year is “The Bible as Literature." In the absence of the president, Mrs. Robert Strong, Miss Mary O. Graham presided. The feature of the meeting was the paper by Mrs. J.R. chamberlain which gave “The general History of the Bible as it comes to us Through Translations.” The paper showed great scholarly research and was thoroughly enjoyed by all present.

After the new books for the year, the hostess served salad and ice courses. Besides the members of the club Mrs. Chamberlain had as her guests: Mrs. W.C. Riddick, Mrs. John Harden, Mrs. Herbert Carroll, Mrs. Gilbert Stephenson and Mrs. Dabney.

The first meeting of the fall is always held with Mrs. Chamberlain and is looked forward to with much pleasure by the members of the club.

Birthday Party

Miss Laura Katharine Stinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Stinson, entertained her friends yesterday in honor of her fifth birthday. The guests included Caro and Mary Connelly, Virgilia Cole, Lillian and Edwin Pou, Eugenia Mills, Jamie and Frank Jolly, Clifford and William Thomas, Margaret Lewis, Sheirley Whitlock, Anna Hughes, Turner, Sarah and Carl Marshburn, Marguerite Koonce, Katheryne Thiem, Ida, Gertrude and Julian Hardesty, Mildred, Marion and Jane Womble, and John P. Cole Jr.

Mrs. York Hostess

Mrs. C.V. York entertained the members of her rook club yesterday afternoon at her home on Hayes-Barton. Fall flowers were used for the decorations. A salad course was served.

The guests were Mesdames R.L. Snyder, G.A. Oldham, J.E. Owens, A.E. Goodman, M.R. Gibson, John Thiem, J.W. Kimbrough, C.B. Gill, C.H. Garvin, R.H. Freeman and John Evans.

Miss Taylor Regent at Coker

Miss Mary Taylor has been elected regent of Coker College, Hartsville, S.C. She is the daughter of the distinguished Charles E. Taylor, who was for 25 years president of Wake Forest College. Miss Taylor has arrived at Hartsville from New York, where she has been spending the summer. Johnston Pettigrew Chapter

The Johnston Pettigrew Chapter U.D.C. will meet this afternoon at 4 o’clock with Mrs. Charles Lee Smith at her home on Wilmington street. The main object of the meeting is to select delegates to attend the State convention U.D.C., which will be held in Wilmington in October.

Mr. Myatt Improving

Mr. A.G. Myatt, who has been confined to his room for several weeks, is improving.

Mr. Walters Better

Mr. A.R. Walters, who has been confined to his home for some time with malarial fever, is able to be out again.

From the society page of The News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C., Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1922

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