
Saturday, October 22, 2022

Anna McGehee to Wed James Cheshire, Oct. 22, 1922

Miss McGehee Engaged to Wed James Cheshire

Chapel Hill, Oct. 21—Announcement was made here today of the engagement of Miss Anna McGehee to James Cheshire of Raleigh, son of the Rt. Rev. Joseph B. Cheshire, episcopal bishop of the diocese of North Carolina.

Mr. Cheshire is an alumnus of the university. He went to France as an officer in the famous first division and served with distinction until he was seriously wounded in an explosion of hand grenades. The explosion catapulted him through the air from ?? to 190 feet. He stayed in a military hospital several weeks, and then returned to the front to rejoin his comrades.

For a long time after he returned to this country it was thought he would permanently deaf because of the injury to his ear drums, but his hearing finally returned and now he is in perfect health.

Miss McGehee is a daughter of the late George McGehee and a niece of Lucius T. McGehee, now head of the law school of the university.

From the Charlotte Observer, Oct. 22, 1922

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