
Saturday, October 22, 2022

Stegall, Sizer, Wright, York, Jordan, Dixon Deaths, Oct. 22, 1922


Stegall Infant Dies

The day-old infant of Mr. and Mrs. N.C. Stegall, 1108 East Tenth street, died Saturday afternoon at 6:15 o’clock at the Mercy hospital. Mrs. Stegall was formerly Miss Mamie McWhirter, of the city, and Mr. Stegall is connected with the Gulf Refining company.


Fall Results in Death of Mrs. Annie E. Sizer

Mrs. Annie Elizabeth Sizer died at her home in Paw Creek township Friday night at the age of 86 years. She was in good health until a few days ago, when she suffered a fatal fall from the porch of her home, her body being badly bruised.

The funeral service was conducted at the home Saturday afternoon by Rev. H.C. Rowan, pastor of the Paw Creek Presbyterian church. Burial was at Paw Creek cemetery.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. R.W. Todd of the county; two sons, W.E. Sizer of Charlotte and W.D. Sizer, who lived at the home. The deceased was the widow of W.E. Sizer, who has been dead about 31 years. She was a member of the Paw Creek church.


Mrs. Dawson’s Father Died Friday in Atlanta

Mrs. P.F. Dawson of East Morehead street extension has gone to Atlanta to attend the funeral of her father, James A. Wright, whose death occurred at a hospital of that city Friday. He had been ill for a week, heart trouble causing the death.

Mr. Wright was remembered here as he spent about nine months with Mrs. Dawson prior to August 1, when he went to Atlanta to make his home with a son. He expected to return here shortly to spend the winter.

In addition to the daughter, four sons survived: P.A., J.H. and Noah Wright.


Edgar Lafayette York

Funeral services for the late Edgar Lafayette York, 69 years old, who died last Sunday, were held at his home near Asheboro Monday afternoon.

Mr. York was one of the best known farmers in the Asheboro section and his death followed a short illness of acute Brights disease. He is survived by his widow, formerly Miss Esther Rebecca Hackett, and nine children: E.L. York, F.L. York, and George L. York of Central Falls; E.T. York of Lexington; Mrs. J.C. Wood, Mrs. T.C. Wood and Mrs. L. Claude Hernden Jr. of Charlotte; J.A. York and Mrs. H.A. Pugh of Asheboro. Other survivors include 24 grand-children, one great grand child and three sisters: Mrs. J.W. Allred of Ramseur and Mrs. M.L. Winningham and Mrs. B.W. Curtis of Randleman.

Rev. A.C. Gibbs of Asheboro conducted the funeral services, interment being at Giles chapel.


George Jordan

Chester, S.C., Oct. 21—George Jordan, the elder son of Mrs. Emily Jordan of the Fort Lawn section of Chester county, who died suddenly at Fort George, Fla., as a result of a stroke of apoplexy a few days ago, was buried at Fort Lawn.

The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. C. Frank Pitman, pastor of Harmony Baptist church.


Mrs. John Dixon

Burlington, Oct. 21—Mrs. Dixon died at the local hospital Thursday morning at 6 o’clock, following an illness of several weeks. The funeral services were held yesterday morning at Mt. Hermon Methodist Protestant church and were conducted by Rev. J.A. Burgess.

Mrs. Dixon was about 58 years of age. Before marriage she was Miss Nannie Sharpe, daughter of the late William Sharpe of Belmont section of the county. The deceased is survived by her husband and one brother, Calvin Sharpe of Goldston, and two sisters, Mrs. Lillie Stewart of Liberty and Mrs. Sallie Brooks of the Belmont section.

From the Charlotte Observer, Oct. 22, 1922. Although the James Wright obituary says four sons survived him, it only listed three.

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