
Friday, October 21, 2022

Littleton Gets Town Water, Oct. 21, 1922

Water Courses Through Mains; Board Having City Streets Repaired

Water is coursing through the mains on the principal streets of the town and the high school is the first of the city buildings to connect with the line. Connections were being made there yesterday, and homes will soon be receiving water from the system, it was said yesterday by a member of the Board of Town Commissioners.

The well is giving an ample supply of water and the new pump forced from the well’s depth of 358 feet at the rate of 100 gallons a minute, rapidly filling the 60,000 gallon tank Around 40,000 gallons of water were sent through the pipes to cleanse them, some of it was used on the streets to help settle the dirt in the recent filled ditches

To Do Street Work

The Board of Town Commissioners decided at a called meeting held on Tuesday to plow the streets and cover the principal thoroughfares with a light coat of gravel.

Chief Woodfin is already engaged in this work and was yesterday sending water down the center of main street in order to settle the dirt in the ditch. The action of the commissioners, it was pointed out in an interview yesterday morning, will not look to permanent work at this time on account of funds available for the purpose.

It was felt however that a sufficient appropriation had been made by the board to shape the streets into fair conditions for the coming Winter and to repair to great extent the damage wrought by the monster of steel which plowed through the town this Summer, leaving the city much torn-up but sowing a sound investment for the wealth and welfare of Littleton.

From the front page of the Littleton News Reporter, Oct. 21, 1922

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