
Friday, October 21, 2022

Defendant "Choose" Sentence on the Roads, Oct. 20, 1922

Defendant Rather Serve Sentence on Roads Than Take Job

There were only three cases, drunks, disposed of before the Mayor this morning. Two of these cases were against the same defendant. They showed the need of the State’s proving something in the way of a farm or detention home or work under State supervision removed from temptation for habitual offenders of this nature, a number of whom are good workers.

This party (an old offender) was before the court on Tuesday, when word was brought in from a prominent citizen that he had a job open for him. The defendant’s case was continued for him to take the job, with a warning from the Mayor that if he did not go to work and take it, but turned up drunk again, he would “sentence himself.” He took the latter course and “sentenced himself” to 30 days in the two cases, being brought in drunk again yesterday.

From the front page of the Fayetteville Observer, Oct. 20, 1922.

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