
Monday, October 31, 2022

Eagle Roller Mill to Treble in Size, Oct. 31, 1922

Eagle Mill to be 500 Barrel Plant. . . Present Plant Is to be Trebled in Size. . . Capital Stock to be $100,000 with Daily Capacity of 500 Barrels of Fine Flour

The Eagle Roller mill is to be trebled in size, which will give it a daily output of 500 barrels of first patent flour. This announcement has just been made by the incorporators, Messrs. W.R. Hartness, Robert Hartness, W.J. Roberts, P. Maynard Washburn and Stough Hopper, who have perfected their plans to increase the size of this important Shelby enterprise from 130 barrels daily capacity to an output of 500 barrels daily. A new charter will be secured and the paid in capital stock will be $100,000, with the above mentioned gentlemen as the principal stockholders.

This increase in the size of the plant was made necessary by the growing demand of the Eagle mill flours, the several brands having a fine sale through the Piedmont section of the two Carolinas. The present plant will remain just as it is with a larger unit added to the same ground near the Seaboard railway station, where the mill has track facilities for receiving wheat and shipping flour, feedstuffs, etc. The Hartnesses, Hopper and Washburn are experienced flour manufacturers and enjoy the confidence of the retailers throughout this section. While the officers have not as yet been elected and the organization perfected, it is understood that Mr. Roberts will have charge of the sale of the mill’s big output.

It is understood that steps will be taken at once toward the erection of this large addition to the Eagle Mill plant. Machinery will be the very latest design and the building will be brick structure, several stories high. The plant will increase the output of the several popular brands of flour which already have a ready sale on the markets.

From the front page of The Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Oct. 31, 1922. So what is patent flour? The Gourmet Sleuth says patent flour is the purest and highest-quality commercial wheat flour available. It’s made from the center portion of the endosperm. (

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