
Monday, October 31, 2022

Friends Surprise J.L. Smith on His 61st Birthday, Oct. 31, 1922

Surprise on Mr. J.L. Smith’s Birthday

Two dozen or more friends and neighbors walked into the home of Mr. Julius L. Smith on N. LaFayette street Friday night to surprise him on his 61st birthday. Mr. Smith had forgotten his birthday as he went about his usual duties of the day, but his good wife had remembered and invited his friends to come in by surprise. Not until they began to arrive did he know what was up. Games such as checkers, rook, dominoes, etc., were indulged in much to the delight of all present. The guests were invited into the dining room where a large cake occupied the center of the beautifully arranged table with burning candles arranged to make the numerals “61”. The cake was cut and a delicious course of cake, cream, coffee, candies and nuts were served.

Mr. Smith is one of the town’s most substantial citizens, and while 61 years hang over his head, is still active and energetic and his friends went away wishing him many more years of usefulness.

From the front page of The Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Oct. 31, 1922

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