
Sunday, October 9, 2022

Henderson High School Seniors Adopt Class Creed, Oct. 9, 1922

High School Seniors Adopt High Class Creed and Place Ban on Cigarettes, Lip Sticks, Etc.

We the undersigned members of the senior class of the Hendersonville high school, at the beginning of our final year in this institution, do hereby agree to accept the following set of resolutions as our class creed, covenanting to be guided by them during the school year:

First: That each one of us shall strive to attain the very best scholastic record possible.

Second: That this shall be done by employing only methods that are honorable and fair, discouraging any tendencies that might lead to cheating or any kind of dishonor.

Third: That we shall always conduct ourselves as gentlewomen and gentlemen in class room, on the campus, and on the streets going to and from school.

Fourth: That as gentlewomen we discourage the use of rouge, lip sticks, chewing gum, slang and indulging in any habits or practices which we know instinctively to be indiscreet.

Fifth: That as gentlemen we promise to obey all rules pertaining to the use of cigarettes, chewing gum, bad language, loofing (loafing?) or anything which might reflect on our standing as students of the school, and citizens of this community.

Sixth: That our conduct shall always be worked (marked?) by courtesy, kindness and consideration of our fellow students and teachers.

Seventh: That we stand as a unit behind every school activity, such as publications, athletics, literary societies, dramatics, etc.

Eighth: That we actively support every movement tending to the development of the school system of our city, particularly lending our influence in the direction of providing a new building for the Hendersonville high school for session 1923-24.

Ninth: That as a proof of the sincerity of this promise, we voluntarily agree to give $300 for same equipment for the new building, which will serve as a permanent memorial to the class.

Tenth: That we try to keep in touch as closely as possible with the alumni of the school, gratefully recognizing their interest in their Alma Mater.

Eleventh: That if possible each one of us will enter college after graduation here.

Twelfth: That we use our influence with other students of the Hendersonville high school to adopt as a standard for their school life a program similar to this, believing that hereby a splendid school sprit and fine morale will be developed within the school, making it a real power in the community.

In being guided by the above set of resolutions, we believe that we will conform in some measure to the standard which our superintendent, Mr. A.W. Honeycutt, has set for us, and we take this opportunity to convey to him a testimony of our appreciation of what he has done in a constructive way for the members of our class, for the schools of Hendersonville, and our entire community.

Miss Helen Baker, Chairman

Boyce Whitmire

Novia Carroll

Martha Goodrich


The Seniors

Members of the senior class are:

Margaret Francis, Burt Colt, Martha Goodrich, Novia Carroll, Nouna Shepherd, Frank Read, Marie Wilkins, Dora Sossamon, Sarah Valentine, Leon Wetmur, Edwin Jordan, Faris Lancaster, Boyce Whitmire, Richard Albritton, Charles Hunter, Oliver Carson, Winnie Hagsett, Louise Faulkner, Oroven Dixon, Isabel Stroup, Verna Dixon, Hallie Lawrason, Elmo Gibson, Evelyn Clement, Elizabeth Cannon, Alliene Wilkins, Nelle Morris, Edith Robey, Edna Byers, Katherine Valentine, Emma Gregory.

From the front page of The Hendersonville News, Monday, Oct. 9, 1922

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