
Saturday, October 29, 2022

Jim Williams, Redmond Hall Indicted for Alleged Plot to Attack Negro Girls, Oct. 29, 1922

Assault Plot Probe Brings Two Indictments

Investigation by Chief of Police Cashwell and members of the detective squad into the alleged plot to attack negro girls on the Market street road, yesterday resulted in the lodging of two additional charges of criminal assault against Jim Williams, negro, whose arrest Thursday night gave officers their clue to the conspiracy.

An additional charge of assault with a deadly weapon was also preferred three capital offenses and one lesser charge.

Another negro, Redmond Hall, was also arrested, charged with attacking a 10-year-old negro girl, with intent to assault. He was held for court by Recorder George Harriss yesterday morning, and was sent to jail in default of $5,000 bond.

Investigations by the police yesterday brought to light two other alleged assaults by Williams near the same spot where he is charged with having committed his latest offense.

The arrest of Hall and the additional charges against Williams brings the total number of capital cases on docket for the November term of court to 14, the largest in the history of the county.

From The Wilmington Morning Star, Oct. 29, 1922

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