
Saturday, October 29, 2022

Teachers Fail Because They Are Riding in Automobiles, Keeping Late Hours and Spending Time With High School Boys, Says Myriam McFayden, Oct. 29, 1922

Miss McFayden Tells Why Teachers Fail

Goldsboro, Oct. 28—Automobile riding, late hours, keeping company with high school boys and failure to adapt themselves to the social life of the community are the principal reasons for failure of women in the teaching profession in the state, according to Miss Myriam McFayden of the Teachers College at Greenville, N.C., who spoke at the teachers meeting here today.

Miss McFayden, who has spent the past year tracing the careers of ?? teachers who were graduated at the teachers college, stated that not in a single instance has she found a failure due to the lack of knowledge of teaching.

From the editorial page of The Wilmington Morning Star, Oct. 29, 1922

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