
Wednesday, November 23, 2022

After Third Fatal Shooting, Notorious Wiggins Oyster Roast Will Close, Nov. 22, 1922

Notorious Resort at Masonboro Sound Will Close Its Doors. . . Wiggins Oyster Roast, Scene of Four Shootings, to Suspend Its Operations

Wiggins’ oyster roast establishment, near Masonboro sound, a negro resort to which the sheriff has traced four fatal shootings, will be closed.

The proprietor informed Sheriff George C. Jackson yesterday afternoon that he would close the place following a warning from the sheriff that an indictment would follow the continuance of the resort, which has been reported as a nuisance by residents of the section.

It was at Wiggins’ place that Dallas Ripley was shot to death two weeks ago by William McClammy, for which offense McClammy was last week sentenced to serve three years in prison.

Following this shooting, white residents of the neighborhood lodged a protest with county officials, contending that the further operation of this resort would constitute a serious menace to the welfare of the neighborhood.

Sheriff Jackson paid a call to Wiggins yesterday afternoon, shortly after his return from Raleigh, and told the negro that while he could not order him to close the place, he would take legal action if he persisted in remaining open.

Wiggins assured the county official he would close his place.

According to the records of the Sheriff, Wiggins’ place has become a rendezvous for the more lawlessly inclined among the negro population and a very carless regard for human life has been manifested. The killing of Ripley followed the heels of three other shooting affairs, all of which have terminated fatally.

From page 3 of the Wilmington Morning Star, Nov. 22, 1922

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