
Wednesday, November 23, 2022

John Lewis, 4, Run Over Second Time, Nov. 22, 1922

Run Down Twice by Auto, Still Unhurt. . . Small Child Has Remarkable Escapes

Lumberton, Nov. 21—John Lewis, 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Lewis of Lumberton, has had the experience of being run over by a Ford car twice during the last few months and escaped both times without serious injury. Only a few months ago he was run down on the principal street of the town and Saturday he was run down by another in front of his home. While it is said the wheels of the car which struck his Saturday passed over his body, no bones were broken and he was able to leave the hospital today.

From page 3 of the Wilmington Morning Star, Wednesday, Nov. 22, 1922

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