
Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Jim Williams in Jail, Awaiting Appeal to Supreme Court, Nov. 22, 1922

Williams in Prison Awaiting His Appeal. . . Convicted Negro Assailant Delivered in Raleigh

Jim Williams, negro, convicted of a criminal assault, is now in the state penitentiary at Raleigh pending the result of his appeal to the supreme court, following his conviction in recorder’s court here last week.

Judge Connor sentenced Williams to die in the chair December 15, but his appeal to the supreme court automatically stays this sentence for the time being.

Williams and W.L. Atkinson, white, who was sentenced to two years for killing Isaac Carroll, negro, was carried to Raleigh by Sheriff Jackson Monday.

The sheriff returned from the capital yesterday.

From page 3 of the Wilmington Morning Star, Wednesday, Nov. 22, 1922

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