
Saturday, November 5, 2022

Armistice Day Program at City Auditorium, Nov. 4, 1922

Armistice Day Program for Friday

Final plans for the Armistice Day program in the city auditorium have been completed. This occasion will mark the annual participation by the American legion in a community wide observation of that memorable day in the world’s history. Community Service is cooperating with the legion in this beautiful program and the committee announces that everybody is invited to attend and no admission will be charged.

Armistice day is one of particular significance; a day that should ever be held dear to the hearts of the people of America; to the whole civilized world; for it marked a new era in the progress of civilization; it awaked in mankind a new feeling for his brothers in all corners of the world. In the glory of a victorious peace, we should be ever mindful of the suffering and wounds of those comrades who fought and bled, those men who kept the enemy from our very doors.

The program to be carried out in Hickory this year will not be filled with long winded speeches but will include selections by the Hickory Concert Band, solo and group vocal numbers, old songs of the A.E.F. [American Expeditionary Force], a sketch called “Oo! La La” set in France, illustrated songs in tableaux form, and the beautiful and impressive “Ceremonial of the Flag of the Free.” A touch of realism will be depicted in the soldiers climbing out of a dug out or trench at the 11th hour on November 11, 1918.

Those in charge of the various groups in the celebration are Mrs. E. B. Menzies for the dramatics and executive chairman; Mrs. John Geitner for the vocal music; Mrs. E. Lyerly in charge of the tableaux; Prof. J.E. Barb for the Hickory Concert Band; Mr. Laurie A. Deal for the Legion; and Mr. H.D. Schubert as general director.

From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, Nov. 4, 1922

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