
Saturday, November 5, 2022

Money Raised to Get Wilson Rice, 37, to School for Feeble Minded, Nov. 4, 1922

To Advance Money for Unfortunate

Arrangements to send the 37-year-old crippled and imbecile son of Wilson Rice, who lives six miles south of Hickory, to the school for the feeble minded at Kinston were expected to be completed today by County Welfare Agent Chas. E. Hefner, commissioners at Newton with the ?? Mr. Hefner went before the board of facts in the situation and the county was expected to aid.

Dr. E.M. Craig, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, received a letter Saturday night from Dr. McNairy, head of the institution, advising him that Rice could be sent on down. It will take $100 to provide for his maintenance until the general assembly makes appropriations in January. Members of the Presbyterian church at once announced their readiness to help and one member, K.C. Menzies, offered to guarantee the amount needed.

About the same time Mr. E.L. Shuford advised the Record that he himself would advance the money in order to have Rice placed in the institution and other organizations in the county will help. Citizens feel that it is the duty of the commissioners to make provision, but if they do not do it, the man will be provided for anyway.

Mr. R.L. Bolick brought to Hickory today the sum of $20.50 which was subscribed yesterday by the members of Zion Lutheran church, just beyond Brookford, to be turned over to a fund to send the unfortunate man to Kinston. Mr. Bolick turned the money over to Mr. Menzies at the bank. Mr. Hefner probably will leave Wednesday morning for Kinston with Rice.

From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, Nov. 4, 1922

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