
Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Dynamite Bomb Explodes Porch at Breedlove Home, Nov. 8, 1922

Try to Destroy Home of A.C.L. Employee. . . Explosion at Rocky Mount Believed to Be Echo of the Shopmen’s Strike

Rocky Mount, Nov. 7—A terrific explosion, believed by police to have been caused by a dynamite bomb, tore up the front porch and shattered the windows of the home of Robert Breedlove in the Willford section of this city between 1 and 2 o’clock this morning. The force of the explosion roused many slumberers in that section of the city and audibly rattled windows of nearby houses.

It is understood from the police that Mr. Breedlove is at this time an employe of the Atlantic Coast Line in their shops at South Rocky Mount. The fact that the blast did not roll under the residence and was in no way confined probably explains the lack of injury to anyone.

The police made an examination of the house this morning and are working on the case, while several explosions had previously occurred on Atlantic Coast Line property, no blasts had been noted for some weeks. The other blasts had been confined either to the property around the Emerson shops or the company’s pumping station on Tar River.

Police who visited the home near Jackson’s store stated that the explosion appeared to have been caused by dynamite placed or thrown on the front porch of the frame dwelling. It is stated that several planks on the front porch were shattered, the front door step damaged and the window panes in the house jarred out. After their examination, the police refused to divulge whatever clues they may have discovered as to the cause or perpetrators of the blast.

From the Raleigh News & Observer, Nov. 8, 1922

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