
Friday, November 25, 2022

Herman Shaw Returns from the Dead; Asks Court to Declare Him Alive, Nov. 25, 1921

Asks Court to Rule Dead Man As Alive. . . Unusual Proceedings in Charlotte Today; Wad Declared Dead by Court Year Ago

Charlotte, Nov. 25—Herman D. Shaw, who has returned to his home here after years of wandering to find himself legally dead, had an array of counsel in court here today to argue for removal of the decree in order that he might come into possession of a legacy constituting several valuable city lots here left by his father.

The decree declaring him deceased was entered a year ago on presentation of his brother, L.M. Shaw, to be held in trust for him. According to the attorneys, Shaw lost trace of his relatives while serving in the Marine corps, and last heard of his mother in 1911, in Philadelphia.

The legal action by which Shaw was declared dead was brought by his brother after efforts to locate him, following the death of their father in 1916, had failed.

From the front page of the Twin City Sentinel, Winston-Salem, N.C., Nov. 25, 1922

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