
Friday, November 25, 2022

Winston-Salem Sketches: John L. Gilmer, Nov. 25, 1922

Winston-Salem Sketches. . . Mr. John L. Gilmer

Coming to Winston-Salem from Guilford county at the age of 2 years, with his parents Mr. John L. Gilmer has resided in the city ever since. His parents, Capt. John Eli Gilmer and Mrs. Laura Lash Gilmer, the former native of Guilford and the latter of Stokes, adopted Winston as their home in 1874, the year the railroad came here from Greensboro.

Mr. John L. Gilmer grew up with Winston-Salem. After graduation from high school, he attended the University of North Carolina, later taking a position with the wholesale and retail mercantile business of his father. In 1893, Mr. Gilmer became a member of the firm organized at that time under the name of the Gilmer-Marler Company. He remained with the business when in 1898 the firm name was changed to Gilmer Brothers Company. In 1920, the firm of Gilmer Brothers Company was absorbed by the present firm of Gilmers’ Inc., and Mr. Gilmer became the active manager of the concern. In November, 1921, he resigned the management, but is still a stockholder in the company.

Mr. Gilmer is now devoting his entire time to the business of the Motor Company, which was established in 1909 in a very small way. Starting in a garage building 25X100 feet, on Main street, the business has grown to the point where it occupies the Universal building, corner of Third and Liberty streets, a seven-story concrete structure, which is considered one of the best garage buildings between Washington and Atlanta.

There is perhaps no citizen of Winston-Salem who has deeper interest in the civic and business life of the city than Mr. Gilmer. He is always ready to respond in any way in which he is able to promote the best interests of the community. As chairman of the highway council of the Chamber of Commerce, he has had much to do with the promotion of good road movements in this section.

Mr. Gilmer is an active member of the Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, the Forsyth Country Club, the Twin-City Club, and has served these organization sin various capacities. He is always ready to champion any movement undertaken by the clubs and other bodies, of which he is a member, when the uplift and betterment of the city are the chief concern.

Mr. Gilmer is chairman of the local committee co-operating with High Point citizens in making plans for the celebration of the opening of the new concrete highway connecting this city with High Point, which celebration will be held on December 5th.

From the front page of the Twin City Sentinel, Winston-Salem, N.C., Nov. 25, 1922

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