
Friday, November 4, 2022

Thief Gets $2 From School Safe, Nov. 4, 1922

Thief Loots Safe in School; Gets Only $2

When Superintendent of City Schools M.B. Andrews walked into his office this morning he found that someone had been there before him and rifled the safe. It seems that the robber was hard pressed for time as he ahd thrown the few checks that were in the safe on the floor and had dropped $1.01 in his haste. There was but few cents over three dollars left over last night, according to Mr. Andrews who thinks that the robber must have gotten the combination to the safe from the back page of a book that was in his desk drawer, and that he entered the building after the janitor had opened up this morning. The total amount of loot taken did not amount to over $2.

From the front page of the Fayetteville Observer, Nov. 4, 1922

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